How often do you use your Brain????
Challenge yourself and enjoy!!!!
Take this I.Q. Test:
( answers can be found at the bottom)
1. What two things which Adam never possessed did he give to his children? (P _ _ _ _ _ _)
2. What has three feet but cannot walk? (Y _ _ _ )
3. Where are happiness and contentment always to be found?
(in the D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
4. What is it that dogs have and nothing else has? (P _ _ _ _ _ _)
5. When you lose something, why do you always find it in the last place you look? (because .....)
6. What kind of cat do you always find in the library? (C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
7. What table has no legs at all? (T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
8. What must one do to have soft hands? ( N _ _ _ _ _ _)
9. To what man do men always take their hats off? (the B _ _ _ _ _)
10. What is the difference between an old ten pesos and a new one peso? (Ummm... very easy)
Now, what's your score?
comment and you'll know on what field do you need to improve!!!!
1. Parents
2. yard
3. in the Dictionary
4. Puppies
5. because you stop looking when you find it ^_^
6. catalogue
7. Timetable
8. Nothing
9. the Barber
10. nine pesos
more on the next issue *_*
got 80% only!
I failed in #'s 6 and 1... ^_^
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